It’s 2015, and at this time of year, it’s natural for us to pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go. For business owners, it’s especially important to raise our minds above the daily fires for a moment, take in some fresh air, and elevate our perspective. Creating an annual theme is an easy and fun vehicle to do just that.
Deciding on a theme for the year will give you a focus and a new perspective on your work and your routines. It can be highly rejuvenating to look at things through the lens of your new theme.
Ideas for themes are limited only by your imagination. Some possible themes include:
• Organizing, detoxing, or cleansing. Consider cleaning out your garage (or your office), upgrading your systems, re-designing your filing system, or going on a cleanse or a vacation or a retreat that will leave you feeling clutter- and worry-free.
• Growth. You might want to consider a growth-related theme, such as productivity or profitability. You might also want to develop a new skill such as learning a new language, developing your computer skills, or taking a philosophy class at your local junior college.
• Abstract themes, such as abundance, creativity, or diversity. At the risk of sounding a little fluffy, an esoteric theme might be just what you need in 2015. A theme with abundance will allow you to think big, be abundantly generous with others, and search for large contracts. A theme with diversity will challenge you to be more open-minded. You may also want to consider forgiveness, gratitude, humility, or service.
• Relationships. Your year might be dedicated to meeting new associates and building business relationships. Your action item might be to spend more time networking, participating in groups, or going to your industry conference.
• A new service. Perhaps you’re launching a new service and need to focus on developing this new line of business.
• Giving back. On a personal note, you might value volunteering and decide to organize your year around a couple of volunteer opportunities.
• Exploring. If you’ve retired or the business is starting to run smoothly without your day-to-day input, it might be time for that trip around the world.
As you choose you goals for 2015, make sure the majority of them support your theme for the year. Themes can bring an overarching focus to our practices and our lives.
What’s your theme? Let us know what your theme is and we’ll share ours!